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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

  • Existing swimmers and siblings will receive priority upon rebooking on the timetable. If payment is not received by the deadline spaces will be released to the waiting list

  • All standing order swimmers are to give one calender month notice to cancel their membership.

  • Outstanding balances that have not been paid by the end of the calendar month will be passed onto our debt collation department and incur a £25 charge

  • Pay course by swimmers upon attending the first lesson of the course commit to the whole course and payment.

  • Upon attending swimming lessons you agree to the health and safety condition set out by Swim Stars Swimming School.

  • Cancellation of classes may occur due to reasons outside our control. A lesson will be added onto the end of the current term in the holidays as a catch up lessons. If pool space is not available a refund will be offered or credit be placed on the system.

  • If Medical illness occur your membership may be suspended for up to 1 month with your current space secure pending a medical note at the owners discretion.

  • In cases of children missing their lessons please contact the office and a catch up lesson may be offered depending on available spaces catch up lessons must be taken in the current term unless preorganised with the owner.

  • The timetable is subject to change based on demand of classes please beware we may change some class times and days and will give you as much notice as possible.

  • Please be advised during adverse weather if the lessons are running we are not obliged to offer a refund if the conditions on site are unsafe to open we will cancel lessons and offer a refund or credit if a lesson cannot be added onto the end of term.

  • All property left on site is at the owners own risk and Swim Stars Swimming School cannot accept any responsibility for lost or stolen items

  • All medical conditions must be disclosed before the first lesson via returning the booking form and any changes must be reported straight away via email to

  • Any concerns for medical conditions please discuss with the teacher before lessons commence.

  • Should your child become ill before lessons please consult your doctor before swimming. Teachers can refuse entry to the water if they believe your child is too unwell to participate in lessons.

  • If your child requires any medication to swim please bring to the swimming pool every session failure to do so can result in your child being turned away from your lessons.

  • Any medicine that is required for swimmers are the sole responsibility of the parents and guardians on poolside and staff can not take any responsibility on administration on medicine to swimmers

  • All children who are not potty trained without fail should wear a swimming nappy and a sealed swimming costume.

  • Nappies and wipes please dispose of these in clearly marked bins please do not flush down the toilet as this blocks the sewage system.

  • Please either remove your shoes or wear over shoes when entering the changing rooms to stop cross contamination into the pool.

  • Please shower before using the pool

  • All children are the responsibility of their parents and guardians at all times on site please do not leave your child unattended.

  • Failure of children to follow pools rules or being unsafe on poolside will result in themselves being turned away from lessons until a plan can be agreed by the owner and parents or guardians to allow them access to swimming lessons in a safe environment

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